Sign Up — Calling all parents ready to level up their parenting game!

understand your family's unique energy dynamics, foster deeper connections and create a supportive, nurturing environment within your own home.

Harmonizing your Household

With Human Design

Calling all families...let me introduce you to

Do any of these also sound familiar?

Sometimes our biggest blocks to creating harmony within our relationships with our partners and kids is not fully being able to understand their unique energy and behavioral patterns.

This is for you.

Hey Love,

Are you struggling with balancing all the different needs and personalities in your home?

All you want is for everyone to be able to reach their full potential, love and accept who they are and will become, and begin manifesting the life they desire, but they just don’t have the roadmap and guide to get them there.

You deserve this and so do the ones you love most!

It's time to stop repeating the same old patterns over and over, remaining stuck in negative feelings and cycles that lead you further away from creating the harmony in your home that you've always desired. I get it. I've been there!

throughout 4 weeks of intensive learning, you’ll learn everything you need to begin nurturing the relationships you have with your kids and partner in the ways where everyone can thrive authentically.

It can be scary to go against what society/family/culture /religion has always taught you. But here's the thing, old patterns that no longer work are meant to be broken and to evolve. Human Design has been a game changer for me and can be for you too!

and this can be scary!

This is your permission slip to begin living the life that is most authentic to you and being that role model for your kids. I warn you, it may go against what you've always known. 

Are you ready to begin transforming your parenthood journey?
I got you.

Human Design is a revolutionary system and self-empowerment tool that combines astrology, the I Ching, and the chakra system to help you understand your unique personality and life purpose. By revealing your energy type, decision-making strategies, and core traits, Human Design empowers you to live authentically, enhance your relationships, and make choices that align with your true self.  BY PROVIDING YOUR BIRTH DAY, BIRTH TIME, AND BIRTH PLACE, YOU'LL RECEIVE THE ROADMAP TO HOW TO LIVE IN YOUR FULLEST POTENTIAL.

"OK, April! Tell me more. What the heck is Human Design?"

Remember that nothing changes
if nothing changes.
Harmonizing your household requires you to open your mind to alternative methods of parenting and showing up as a partner.
What are you waiting for?

What will i get out of knowing my design and the designs of my family?

  1. Understanding Individual Differences 

    Human Design provides insights into each family member’s unique traits, strengths, and challenges. This helps parents appreciate their children’s individuality.

  2. Effective Communication

    Knowing the communication styles of each person can improve family interactions, reducing misunderstandings and fostering deeper connections.

  3. Supporting Personal Growth

    Parents can tailor their approaches to nurture their children's specific needs and potentials, promoting healthy self-esteem and independence.

  4. Conflict Resolution

    Understanding different energy types and strategies can help parents navigate conflicts more effectively, leading to a more harmonious household.

  5. Role Clarity

    Human Design can clarify each family member's role, helping parents to support their children in ways that align with their natural inclinations.

  6. Encouraging Authenticity

    By recognizing and honoring each child’s design, parents can cultivate an environment where children feel free to express themselves authentically.

  7. Personal Reflection

    Parents can gain insights into their own designs, leading to personal growth and improved parenting strategies that align with their own strengths.

  8. Empowerment

    Armed with knowledge about their children’s designs, parents can empower them to make choices that resonate with their true selves.

  9. Stress Reduction

    Understanding how to navigate challenges based on individual designs can reduce stress for both parents and children.

  10. Long-term Benefits

    Children raised with an awareness of their unique designs may grow up with a better understanding of themselves, leading to healthier relationships and life choices.

IT'S TIME TO BE THE PARENT YOU'VE ALWAYS WANTED TO BE and also teach your kids how to embrace their own uniqueness and love what makes them different.

love—can create a more positive atmosphere. 

If you’re a parent, this insight could guide you in nurturing your kids’ unique traits and styles. As everyone learns to embrace their differences, family dynamics could shift for the better, leading to stronger connections and a more supportive atmosphere. 

Knowing your family’s Human Designs can really change the game when it comes to your relationships and everyday life. You’d understand everyone’s quirks and strengths, making communication smoother and conflicts easier to handle. Tailoring your support to fit each person’s needs—like encouraging a Projector to take a break or motivating a Generator to dive into what they

Imagine waking up feeling confident in knowing that you can support yourself and your family in ways where everyone feels valued.

I need this ...

A 4 week program to nurture beter relationships in your home

Harmonizing your household using human design


Learn how each of you can begin aligning with your designs and explore practical ways to honor each energy type in daily life (e.g., decision-making, rest, creativity) We'll reflect on how HD is shifting family dynamics over the last 4 weeks and set intentions for how you can continue supporting yourself and your family in the future.

Week 4 - reflection & integration

Depending on if you have a partner, this week is used to dive into your partner's chart and how to work together more effectively. OR if there is no partner, we will discuss real life scenarios you struggle with and how to utilize HD for better outcomes. Learn how to create self care routines for you and your kids.

Week 3 - family support

Dive into the charts of your kids and learn the unique traits of each person and how they contribute to family dynamics. We'll then reflect on how each child affects your feelings and reactions and how to begin managing the way you respond to them when they express themselves and their big emotions.

Week 2 - dive into family chart

The biggest way of changing family dynamics is learning what changes can be made within yourself, so week one is all about the basics of Human Design and YOU. We'll dig into your chart and reflect on your personal strengths as well as areas for growth. We'll explore how understanding your Human Design can enhance self-acceptance and release the mom-guilt!

Week 1 - basics and self love

What you are going to learn






The transformations are only guaranteed if you're ready to open your mind and your heart to a fresh perspective and new ways of parenting.

it's time to realign with who you are meant to be while also nurturing your children for who they are meant to be!

Be ready to put in the work and have fun while doing it!

Harmonizing Your Household with Human Design

it's never too late to switch up your parenting game while also reconnecting to your best self! I'm excited to work with you and begin


join now

Great question! I have another option that may be more tailored what you may need in this time of your life. My 12 week 1:1 intensive called Dare to Love Yourself is for those who are ready to truly reprogram their mindset, heal from specific pains in their past, and wish to receive high level coaching support. Learn more HERE

What If I want to have a more personalized self love journey?

*4 weekly Zoom calls
*Human Design Blueprints for you, your partner, and kids
*Access to my parenting course The Embodied Parent for further parenting support

What is included in this program?

I want this program to be as accessible as possible so yes of course we offer payment plans! If you're unable to pay in full, payments can be split in 2 or 3 payments. If you need further assistance, let's chat!

Do you offer payment plans?

You will need to provide the following info:
Full Name
Birth Place
Birth Time
Birth Day

If you do not know birth time, you can find it on your birth certificate!


don't worry, we have the answers!

You Might have Some questions

Dare To Love Yourself offers 12 weekly 1 hour 1:1 calls with me as well as daily access through Voxer. Our work together is customized to your personal journey where we release your limiting beliefs, manage your emotions, heal old wounds from generational trauma, and dive even deeper into your human design.

Let's deep dive together!

Do you feel like you need more hands on guidance and coaching? Enroll in my 12 week 1:1 Program
Dare to love yourself